[Math] Complex spectral theorem proof

linear algebraoperator-algebrasspectral-theory

So I need to prove the complex spectral theorem without using matrices, The complex spectral theorem says that for a complex inner product space $U$ and some linear operator $T$ on $U$, $T$ is normal if and only if there exists an orthonormal $T$ eigenbasis.

I'm not entirely sure where to start as the proofs I've seen before use matrices?!

Any help would be appreciated

Best Answer

Let me outline how to prove that if $T$ is normal then you can find an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors for $T$.

  1. Using the fact that $T$ is normal, prove that $\|Tv\| = \|T^{*}v\|$ for all $v \in V$.
  2. Deduce from the previous item that if $v$ is an eigenvector of $T$ with eigenvalue $\lambda$ then $v$ is also an eigenvector of $T^{*}$ with eigenvalue $\overline{\lambda}$.
  3. Deduce from the previous item that if $v$ is an eigenvector of $T$ then $W = \operatorname{span} \{ v \}^{\perp}$ is $T$-invariant.
  4. Show that if $W$ is a $T$-invariant subspace then $W^{\perp}$ is $T^{*}$-invariant. Show in addition that if $W$ is both $T$ and $T^{*}$-invariant then $\left( T|_{W} \right)^{*} = T^{*}|_{W}$ when we consider $T|_{W} \colon W \rightarrow W$ as an operator on $W$ with the inner product $\left< \cdot, \cdot \right>|_{W}$ which is the restriction of the original inner product to $W$. This holds for all (not neccesarily normal) operators. If $T$ is normal and $W$ is both $T$ and $T^{*}$-invariant then we have $$ T|_{W} \circ T^{*}|_{W} = \left( T \circ T^{*} \right)|_{W} = \left( T^{*} \circ T \right)|_{W} = T^{*}|_{W} \circ T|_{W} $$ so $T|_{W}$ is also normal.
  5. Finally, prove that $T$ is orthogonally diagonalizable by induction on $\dim U$. If $\dim U = 1$, any non-zero vector in $U$ is an eigenvector of $T$ so just choose a unit length vector and it will form a basis for $U$. For the general case, choose an eigenvector $v_1$ of $T$ such that $\| v_1 \| = 1$. This is always possible because we are working over the complex numbers. Set $W = \operatorname{span} \{ v \}^{\perp}$. Then $\dim W < \dim U$ and by $(3)$ the space $W$ is $T$-invariant. By $(4)$, $T|_{W}$ is also normal. By the induction hypothesis, we can find an orthonormal basis $v_2,\dots,v_n$ of $W$ of eigenvectors for $T|_{W}$. Then $(v_1,\dots,v_n)$ is an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of $U$ for $T$.

For the other direction, assume that $v_1,\dots,v_n$ is an orthonormal basis of $U$ consisting of eigenvectors of $T$ and write $Tv_i = \lambda_i v_i$. Show using the defining property of $T^{*}$ that $T^{*}v_i = \overline{\lambda_i} v_i$ and then $$ (T^{*}T)(v_i) = |\lambda_i|^2 = (TT^{*})(v_i) $$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$ showing that $TT^{*} = T^{*}T$ so $T$ is normal.

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