Complex Numbers – Proof of Straight Line

complex numbers

Prove that the three distinct points $z_1,z_2$, and $z_3$ lie on the
same straight line iff $z_3 – z_2 = c(z_2 – z_1)$ for some real number
$c$ and $z$ is complex.

I know that two vectors are parallel iff one is a scalar multiple of the other, thus $z$ is parallel to $w$ iff $z = cw$. So, from that, does that mean $z_3 – z_2 = c(z_2 – z_1)$ are parallel thus making it lie on the same line?

Best Answer

If in a complex plane $z_1$ is represented by point $A, z_2$ by $B$ and $z_3$ by $C$, then $z_3-z_2$ represents the vector $\vec {BC}$, and $z_2-z_1$ represents vector $\vec {AB}$. Thus, these points $A,B,C$ are collinear iff $\vec{AB}$ and $\vec{BC}$ are parallel as they already have one point $B$ in common $\implies \vec {BC}=c\vec{AB}\implies z_3-z_2=c(z_2-z_1)$.

Here, $c$ is taken real because when we multiply by a complex no. , it's real part gives the scaling and imaginary part rotates it. Here, we need the vectors to be parallel ,so we omit the rotation and $c$ has to be real only.