[Math] Complex numbers – shading on the Argand diagram

complex numbers

Find the modulus of the complex number $z$ that lies in the region $|z-1| \leq |z-i|$ and $|z-(2+2i)| \leq 1$ for which $\arg(z)$ is least.

I am having trouble obtaining the required answer ($\sqrt(7)$)

I first drew a rough sketch of the region that $z$ is in.

enter image description here

I believe the red point is the critical point in the region for which $\arg(z)$ is least. However, this has coordinates $(2, 1)$, I believe. And the modulus here is $\sqrt{5}$… and not $\sqrt{7}$

What have I done wrong?

Best Answer

The answer is indeed $\sqrt7$ (and your drawing is not correct). Note that the distance from the red dot to the center of the circle is $1$, by the definition of the circle, and that the distance from the center of the circle to the origin is $\sqrt8$. But the three ponts that I mentioned form a right triangle. By Pythagoras' theorem, the distance that you're after is $\sqrt{8-1}=\sqrt7$.

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