[Math] Complex numbers – find real and imaginary parts of $z=(1+i)^{100}$

complex numbers

Currently studying for my calculus exam when I stumbled upon this example:

Find the real and imaginary parts of the following


Following the answer to this problem it's first stated that $1+i$ can be written in polar form as $\sqrt{2}e^{i\frac{\pi }{4}}$ which I totally get. Proceeding by rewriting it as:

$$z=\sqrt{2}^{100} * (e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}})^{100}$$

Then we get to the parts where I'm totally lost at the moment.

$$2^{50}*e^{i2\pi} = 2^{50}*e^{i\pi} = -2^{50}$$

Where the real part would be equal to $-2^{50}$ and the imaginary part to be equal to $0$ which I can see in the answer given.

However, the last line of simplification is what confuses me. Could someone explain what is done?


Best Answer

What about if we start with $$(1+i)^2=1+2i-1=2i.$$ Then $$(1+i)^{100}=[(1+i)^2]^{50}=(2i)^{50}=2^{50}(i^2)^{25}=2^{50}(-1)^{25}=-2^{50}.$$ So the real part is $-2^{50}$ and the imaginary part is $0$.