[Math] complex numbers – argand diagram

complex numbersgraphing-functions

How do you draw on an argand diagram:
$\{z\in{\mathbb C}: \arg(z-1) < \arg(z-i)\}$?
I can plot both points but I don't know what to do with arguments and inequalities.

Best Answer

If you simply interpret what it means to say that $\arg(z-1)<\arg(z-i)$ geometrically, then it shouldn't be too hard to visualize the region. In each of the regions below, the argument of the point ($z$) minus the number (either $1$ or $i$) simply the angle from the dashed line to the arrow. It's easy to see that this angle is smaller from the complex number $1$ in exactly the blue regions.

Note that I'm assuming a branch cut at $\pi$ in the argument function so that, in the horizontal strip, $\arg(z-1)$ is definitely negative while $\arg(z-i)$ is positive.

enter image description here

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