[Math] complete the table by providing an example of a binary operation $*$ defined on $\{a , b ,c\}$


I have a problem with one of my questions. The question is:

complete the table by providing an example of a binary operation $*$ defined on $\{a , b ,c\}$
such that $*$ is commutative and has the identity element $c$.
\ast & a & b & c \\
a & a & ? & ? \\
b & ? & b & ? \\
c & ? & ? & c \\

(I need the letters in place of the ?)

I don't understand what they want me to do ???

Best Answer

$c$ is the identity and the operation is commutative so $$a\cdot c=c\cdot a=a$$ Similarly $$b\cdot c=c\cdot b=b$$ It seems to me that $a\cdot b$ can be $a$ or $b$.