[Math] Companions to Rudin


I'm starting to read Baby Rudin (Principles of mathematical analysis) now and I wonder whether you know of any companions to it. Another supplementary book would do too. I tried Silvia's notes, but I found them a bit too "logical" so to say. Are they good? What else do you recommend?

Best Answer

1) Introduction to real analysis by Bartle and Sherbert

2) Methods of Real Analysis by R.R. Goldberg

3) Mathematical Analysis by Tom Apostol

4) Real and Abstract Analysis by Karl Stromberg.

5) A radical approach to real analysis by David M Bressoud by MAA.

The first book is a very good book for a beginner. The next two are classics. (4) is also very good in case you want to read something advanced. The last one keeps entertaining you with some interesting examples as well as some interesting history of Real Analysis.

Happy Reading!!