General Topology – Compactness in Subspaces


Say $X \subset Y$ be a subspace of $Y$. Say $C \subset X$ is compact. I'm trying to figure out when $C $ is compact in $Y$.

let $\mathcal{A}$ be collection of open subsets of $X$ that cover $C$. By hypothesis it is given to us that all $\mathcal{A}$ can be reduced to a finite cover. However, this only proves the compactness in $X$, for $Y$ we need $\mathcal{A}$ to consist of all open subsets of $Y$. I believe, $C$ is not necessarily compact in $Y$. What do you think?

For Hausdorff spaces:

let $C \subset X$ compact in $X$ is compact when $X$ is compact in $Y$. Since this would make $C$ closed in $Y$, (follows from $X$ being closed in $Y$). However if $X$ is not compact in $Y$ then $C$ could either be compact or not.


consider $(0,1] \subset \mathbb{R}.$ The set $U = (0,n) \subset (0,1]$ is closed in $(0,1]$ so it is compact. But not compact in $\mathbb{R}$.

What do you think?

Best Answer

If $X$ is considered with the subspace topology, the inclusion $i:X\to Y$ is continuous. Hence $i(C)\subset Y$ is compact as well.