[Math] Compactly supported function.

functional-analysisgeneral-topologypartial differential equations

Can anyone explain me the features of a compactly supported functions behave when they are compactly supported. I am learning PDE and I come across it very often.

For example : When we define weak derivatives i.e
$\int_U uD^\alpha f=(-1)^{|\alpha|}\int_U vf$
, why do we take a function $f$ to be compactly supported ?

I wonder if it is has to do with the non-differentiability of $u$ at some point in the domain ?

Looking forward. Thanks

Best Answer

I cannot explain all the features, but the defining property of a compactly supported function $f$ defined on an open set $\Omega$ is that there exists a compact set $K$ in $\Omega$ such that $f(x)=0$ if $x\not\in K$. This is useful since for instance when you do integration by parts on $f$, the boundary terms vanish. If $g$ is any function, you can get a compactly supported function $fg$ by multiplying it by $f$. This is called a cut-off process.

In the PDE context, cut-off functions are usually smooth, this means that, as mentioned in the comment, all derivatives of $f$ will be uniformly continuous.