[Math] Compact sets as point spectrum of a bounded operator


It is well known that if $K$ is any compact set in $\mathbb{C}$, then there exist a bounded linear operator $T:l_2\to l_2$ such that $\sigma(T)=K$. My questions are:

Q1) Does there exist $T$, a bounded linear operator on $l_2$ such that the point spectrum $\sigma_p(T)$ is the given $K$? That is, the only eigenvalues are the complex numbers in $K$?

Q2) Does there exist $T$, a bounded linear operator on $l_2$ such that $\sigma(T)=\sigma_p(T)=K$. That is, there are no other points in the spectrum except the eigenvalues in $K$?

Clearly a positive answer to Q2) implies a positive answer to Q1).

Best Answer

To answer Q1, we can say exactly when a subset of $\mathbb{C}$ can be realized as the point spectrum of a bounded linear operator on $\ell^2$.

Theorem: A set $K\subseteq\mathbb{C}$ is equal to the point spectrum of a bounded linear operator $T\colon \ell^2\to \ell^2$ if and only if $K$ is bounded and is the union of countably many closed sets (an Fσ set).

In fact, we can go a little bit further. If $K$ is contained in the open ball $B_R(0)$ for some $R > 0$ then it is possible to choose $T$ such that $\Vert T\Vert=R$.

Before constructing $T$ with the given point spectrum, I'll quickly prove the converse. If $K=\sigma_p(T)$ then $K$ is a bounded Fσ set (this will use the fact that $\ell^2$ is a Banach space whose dual is separable). First, $K$ is contained in the spectrum $\sigma(T)$, which is contained in the closed ball $\bar B_R(0)$ for $R=\Vert T\Vert$ (by standard properties of bounded operators), so is bounded. Next, let $B=\lbrace x\in \ell^2\colon\Vert x\Vert\le 1\rbrace$ be the closed unit ball in $\ell^2$ with the weak topology, which is compact. Then, $B^0\equiv B\setminus\lbrace0\rbrace$ is σ-compact. In fact, choosing any dense sequence $u_1,u_2,\ldots$ in $\ell^2$, we can explicitly write $B^0$ as the union of compact sets $$ B^0=\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty\lbrace x\in B\colon\vert\langle u_n,x\rangle\vert\ge1\rbrace. $$ Set $C=\lbrace (x,\lambda)\in B^0\times\mathbb{C}\colon Tx=\lambda x\rbrace$ with the product topology which, being a closed subset of $B^0\times\mathbb{C}$, is σ-compact. Defining the continuous map $\pi\colon C\to\mathbb{C}$ by $\pi(x,\lambda)=\lambda$, then, $\sigma_p(T)=\pi(C)$ is σ-compact and, hence, is an Fσ set.

Now, let's move on to constructing $T$ with norm $\Vert T\Vert=R$ and point spectrum a given bounded Fσ set $K\subseteq B_R(0)$. The general case follows from the case where $K$ is closed, since if we write $K=\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty K_n$ for closed $K_n$ then, choosing operators $T_n$ with $\Vert T_n\Vert=R$ and $\sigma_p(T_n)=K_n$, the direct sum $T=\oplus_n T_n$ is an operator on $\oplus_n\ell^2\cong\ell^2$ with $\Vert T\Vert=R$ and point spectrum $K$ as required.

So, suppose that $K\subseteq B_R(0)$ is closed. By scaling, we can assume that $R > 1$ and that $K\subseteq B_1(0)$. I'll construct a linear operator $T$ on the Hilbert space $H=\ell^2(\mathbb{N}^2)\cong\ell^2$ (I'm using $\mathbb{N}=\lbrace0,1,2,\ldots\rbrace$). Recall that $H$ consists of the functions $f\colon\mathbb{N}^2\to\mathbb{C}$ with finite norm $\Vert f\Vert^2=\sum_{m,n}\vert f(m,n)\vert^2$ and inner product $\langle f,g\rangle=\sum_{m,n}\overline{f(m,n)}g(m,n)$. Now, choose sequences of positive real numbers $r_i,\epsilon_i$ and complex $z_i$ ($i=1,2,\ldots$) such that $\bar B_{r_i}(z_i)$ is disjoint from $K$ and such that $K=\bar B_1(0)\setminus\bigcup_iB_{r_i}(z_i)$. It doesn't matter exactly what values $\epsilon_i$ take at the moment, I'll choose these in more detail in a moment. Define $T\colon H\to H$ by $$ Tf(m,n)=\begin{cases} f(m,n+1),&\textrm{if }m=0,\cr r_mf(m,n-1)+z_mf(m,n),&\textrm{if }m,n > 0,\cr \epsilon_m r_m f(0,0)+z_mf(m,n),&\textrm{if }m > 0, n=0. \end{cases} $$ The idea is that $T$ behaves as a left-shift (on $m=0$), so that the point spectrum is contained in $\bar B_1(0)$, joined to a set of right-shifts (on each $m > 0$) to remove the balls $\bar B_{r_i}(z_i)$ from the point spectrum. It can be seen that $T$ has norm $$ \Vert T\Vert\le\max_m\left(1,\vert z_m\vert+r_m\right)+\left(\sum_m\epsilon_m^2r_m^2\right)^{1/2}. $$ This satisfies $\Vert T\Vert\le R$ so long as we choose $\bar B_{r_i}(z_i)\subseteq B_R(0)$ and choose $\epsilon_i$ so that $\sum_i\epsilon_i^2r_i^2$ is small enough. And (if you like), by scaling $\epsilon_i$ up, we can ensure that $\Vert T\Vert=R$.

Now, a complex number $\lambda$ is in the point spectrum $\sigma_p(T)$ if and only if there is a nonzero $f\in H$ such that $Tf=\lambda f$. Plugging in $Tf$ from the definition above and solving the linear equations shows that, up to a scaling factor, $f$ must be given by $$ f(m,n)=\begin{cases} \lambda^n,&\textrm{if }m=0,\cr \epsilon_m\left(r_m/(\lambda-z_m)\right)^{n+1},&\textrm{if }m > 0. \end{cases} $$ If $\vert\lambda\vert\ge1$ then $\sum_n\vert f(0,n)\vert^2=\infty$, so we must have $\vert\lambda\vert < 1$. Similarly, if $\lambda\in\bar B_{r_i}(z_i)$ then $\sum_n\vert f(i,n)\vert^2=\infty$. So, in order that $f\in H$ we must have $\lambda\in K$, in which case, $$ \Vert f\Vert^2=\frac{1}{1-\vert\lambda\vert^2}+\sum_{m=1}^\infty\frac{\epsilon_m^2}{\vert\lambda-z_m\vert^2/r_m^2-1}. $$ Now, as $\bar B_{r_i}(z_i)$ is disjoint from $K$, the term $(\vert\lambda-z_i\vert^2/r_i^2-1)^{-1}$ is a continuous positive function of $\lambda\in K$, so is bounded above by some $d_i^2 > 0$. Then, $$ \Vert f\Vert^2\le\frac{1}{1-\vert\lambda\vert^2}+\sum_{m=1}^\infty\epsilon_m^2d_m^2. $$ So long as we choose $\epsilon_i$ so that $\sum_m\epsilon_m^2d_m^2 < \infty$, this implies that $f\in H$ for all $\lambda\in K$, so $\sigma_p(T)=K$.

Note: The operator $T$ I constructed here does not give a positive answer to Q2. For any $\omega\in S^1$ and $\epsilon > 0$, setting $f_\epsilon(m,n)=1_{\lbrace m=0\rbrace}\epsilon\omega^n(1+\epsilon)^{-n-1}$ gives $\Vert f_\epsilon\Vert=1$ and $\Vert(T-\omega)f_\epsilon\Vert\to0$ as $\epsilon\to0$, so $\omega\in\sigma(T)$. Therefore, $S^1\subseteq\sigma(T)$.

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