[Math] Compact Self Adjoint operator on a Hilbert Space


Let $T$ be a continuous and bounded self-adjoint compact operator on a Hilbert space H.

I want to prove that if $T^2=0$, then $T=0$.

Is there any thing wrong with the following:

$T^2$ = $TT^*=0$ impiles that all of T's eigenvalues are zero, and so as T is a compact operator and therefore has finite rank, all of T's eigenvalues are zero, and so $T=0$.

Best Answer

Your proof is not quite right; compact operators need not have finite rank. The idea does work: a compact self-adjoint operator has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors (this is the spectral theorem), so if all its eigenvalues are zero, it must be the zero operator.

However, there is a much simpler argument that doesn't need the spectral theorem: for any vector $x$, note that $\| Tx \|^2 = \langle Tx, Tx \rangle$. Now use the fact that $T=T^*$...