[Math] Compact operators on an infinite dimensional Banach space cannot be surjective


I am reading a book about functional analysis and have a question:

Let $X$ be a infinite-dimensional Banach-space and $A:X \rightarrow X$ a compact operator. How can one show that $A$ can not be surjective?

Best Answer

By popular request ^^ this comment is made into an answer.

Jonas has already given an answer, but here's another one. You can remember that in the context of Banach spaces (or more generally complete metrizable topological vector spaces), surjective (continuous) linear maps are automatically open. Thus you would have $$c B_X\subset A(B_X)$$ where $c$ is a positive real number and $B_X$ is the unit ball in $X$. The left hand side has compact closure iff $X$ is finite dimensional by a theorem of Riesz, while the right hand side has compact closure by definition of $A$ being compact. So $X$ must be finite dimensional for $A$ to be compact and surjective.