[Math] Commutation when minimal and characteristic polynomial agree

linear algebra

Hello I am studying for the qualifying exam in algebra and I am having trouble solving this seemingly easy problem. If A is a matrix whose minimal polynomial and characteristic polynomial agree, and B commutes with A then B is a polynomial in A.

I have shown that the dimension of the subspace of polynomials in A must be equal to the dimension of the underlying vector space. Clearly this subspace is contained in the subspace of matrices that commute with A. So if I can show the latter must have dimension less than or equal to the dimension of V, I'll be done. But I don't see how to show that.

Or is there an easier way?

Best Answer

Hint: 1) Show that there is a vector $e$ such that $(e,Ae,A^2e,\dots,A^{n-1}e)$ is a basis (this is another standard exercice).

Write $Be = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i A^i e$.

2) Show that $B$ and $\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i A^i$ agree on the basis.