[Math] Committee of 50 senators.


Each state of the 50 in the U.S. has 2 senators. What is the probability that in a random committee of 50 senators.

California is represented?

I got $\dfrac{_2Cn_1 \times {_{98}Cn_{49}}}{_{100}Cn_{50}}$

Is that correct? If not where is my mistake?.

Best Answer

There are $\binom{98}{50}$ committees that do not represent California, hence the answer is given by: $$ 1-\frac{\binom{98}{50}}{\binom{100}{50}}=1-\frac{50\cdot 49}{100\cdot 99}=\frac{149}{198}\approx\color{red}{75,25\%}. $$

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