[Math] Come up with some fun “equation Limericks”


We were discussing "Limericks" in my Calculus class. Specifically, "equation Limericks".

A Limerick is a poem with five lines.

The first, second, and fifth lines should have nine syllables each and rhyme with each other,
and the third and fourth should have six syllables each and rhyme with each other.

An obscure subtype of the limerick is the "equation Limerick", which states an equation.

Here are some examples given in class:

enter image description here

A dozen, a gross, plus a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus five times eleven
Is nine squared (and not a bit more).

enter image description here

The integral tee squared dee tee
From one to the cube root of three
Times the cosine
Of three pi over nine
Is the log of the cube root of e.

enter image description here

The log of e to the four
Times the square root of ten twenty-four
Adding six dozen please
Minus eight twenty-three's
Is sixteen, case is closed, shut the door.

I was able to come up with a couple of my own Limericks, but they are a bit simple compared to the ones above.

Surprisingly, there are not many resources online regarding equation Limericks. Can anyone come up with their own that they would like to share?

Best Answer

WARNING: What you see below is my first-ever attempt at poetry in English.

My take on the classics: $e^{\pi \cdot 2i} = 1$.

We start with the constant called $\pi$ / And then multiply by $2i$ / Apply exponential / (This step is essential) / And one's the result who-knows-why!

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