[Math] Combinatorics tiling squares question


Have a 2xn checkerboard made of 2 kinds of tiles:

  • 1×1 square tile
  • L-tile, which is a 2×2 square tile with a 1×1 square removed from the corner. This tile can be rotated.

I'm trying to create a recursive formula $t(n)$ to find the number of possible tilings. This is what I have so far:

n=1 t(1) = 1 because can only have 2 1×1 tiles

n=2 t(2) = 5 because you can have:

  • All 1×1 tiles (1 option)
  • A 1×1 tile and the L-tile rotated 4 different ways (4 options)

n=3 t(3) = 11 because you can have:

  • 0 L-tiles, so all 1×1 tiles (1 option)

  • 1 L-tile which can be rotated 8 ways and the rest filled with 1×1 squares (8 options)

  • 2 L-tiles, which can be rotated 2 ways (2 options)

Is this correct / am I on the right track? I'm not sure how to find the recursive formula this way.

Best Answer

That is correct so far for the base cases.

Now, suppose for our induction hypothesis that you know how to count all patterns of length strictly less than $n$ for some $n\geq 4$. We want to figure out how many there are for length $n$.

Consider the last column.

  • Case 1: Both spaces are $1\times 1$ tiles

  • Case 2: ...

  • Case 3: ...

    • subcase 3a:
    • subcase 3b:

Case 2: One is a $1\times 1$ tile and the other is part of an $L$-shaped tile. Case 3: Both are part of an $L$-shaped tile. Now, consider the second to last column...