[Math] Combinatorics: Lock puzzle , minimum combinations


A safe has three locks of which every lock has 8 possibilities 1, 2 …8. Safe gets opened if any 2 of 3 locks gets opened. So, a possible way to open safe is try 2 locks, for each possible pair of combinations giving us 64 combinations. Can it be done in lesser number of combinations? If so, what is the minimum number of combinations required?

Best Answer

We can do it in $32$ tries as follows:

\begin{align} \begin{matrix} 111 & 222 & 333 & 444 \\ 123 & 142 & 134 & 243 \\ 231 & 214 & 341 & 432 \\ 312 & 421 & 413 & 324 \end{matrix} && \begin{matrix} 555 & 666 & 777 & 888 \\ 567 & 586 & 578 & 687 \\ 675 & 658 & 785 & 876 \\ 756 & 865 & 857 & 768 \end{matrix} \end{align}

The idea is that the first block of $16$ rules out all combinations with at least two numbers from $\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$ and the second block of $16$ rules out all combinations with at least two numbers from $\{5, 6, 7, 8\}$. By Pigeonhole Principle, any combination must have two numbers in one of these two sets, so we have covered all possible combinations.

Proof of Optimality

Assume on the contrary that $31$ tries are sufficient.

Lemma: For any position and any number $n \in \{1, 2, \ldots , 8\}$, we must have tried $\geq 3$ combinations with $n$ in that position.

Proof: By symmetry, it suffices to show that we must have tried $\geq 3$ combinations starting with $1$.

Assume on the contrary that at most two of the combinations tried start with $1$, then each rules out $15$ combinations starting with $1$, so we still have $64-2(15)=34$ possible combinations starting with $1$. All other combinations tried do not start with $1$, hence only rule out one combination starting with $1$, so we need to try at least $34$ more combinations, a contradiction.

Therefore we must have tried $ \geq3$ combinations starting with $1$.

If for each $n=\{1, 2, \ldots , 8\}$, we have tried $\geq 4$ combinations starting with $n$, then we require at least $32$ tries, a contradiction. Therefore for some $n$, we have tried at most $3$ combinations starting with $n$, hence by the lemma we have tried exactly $3$ combinations starting with $n$.

Now WLOG assume that $n=1$, by symmetry. So we have something like

$$\begin{matrix} 1ab \\ 1cd \\ 1ef \end{matrix}$$

where $a, b, c, d, e, f$ need not be distinct.

Note that all combinations of the form $1xy$ where $x \not =a, c, e$ and $y \not =b, d, f$ have not been ruled out.

If $a, c, e$ are not pairwise distinct, then there are at least $6$ choices for $x$, and there are at least $5$ choices for $y$, so we have $30$ combinations starting with $1$ which have not been ruled out. All other combinations we try do not start with $1$, hence rule out at most one of these $30$ combinations. Thus we need $\geq 30$ more combinations, making a total of $33$, a contradiction.

Therefore $a, c, e$ are pairwise distinct. Then there are $5$ choices for $x$ and at least $5$ choices for $y$, so there are $25$ combinations of the form $1xy$ which have not been ruled out, so we require $\geq$ $25$ combinations of the form $nxy$ (where $n \not =1$) to rule these out. That gives $28$ combinations tried so far.

Now note that by the lemma, we need to try at least $3$ combinations with $a$ in the middle, and we currently only have one such combination $1ab$ (all the $nxy$ combinations have $x \not =a$). Thus we need to try two more combinations with $a$ in the middle. Similarly, we need to try two more combinations with $c$ in the middle, and two more with $e$ in the middle, giving a total of $34$ combinations tried, a contradiction.

We conclude that we require at least $32$ tries, and this is indeed minimal by our construction at the start of the post.

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