[Math] Combinatorics – Find the coefficient of $x^{12}$ in…


Would someone be able to help me figure out these two binomial coefficient problems using generating functions? Its a rough concept for me to understand, so a good explanation would be very much appreciated!

$a$) $(1-x)^8$

$b$) $(1-4x)^{-5}$

Thank you in advanced for your help!!!

Best Answer

Consider $$(1-x)^8=1-8 x+28 x^2-56 x^3+70 x^4-56 x^5+28 x^6-8 x^7+x^8.$$ The highest power in this polynomial is $x^8$. Thus the coefficient of $x^{12}$ is $0$.

Consider $${1\over (1-4x)^5}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty{n+5-1\choose n}4^nx^n.$$ Let $n=12$. The coefficient of $x^{12}$ is ${16\choose 12}4^{12}=30534533120$.

We know that $${1\over (1-x)^k}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty{n+k-1\choose n}x^n.$$ We can use this fact to calculate the coefficients of $x^n$ as we please.

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