Combinatorics – Combinatorial Proof of Multinomial Theorem Without Induction or Binomial Theorem


I've been trying to rout out an exclusively combinatorial proof of the Multinomial Theorem with bounteous details but only lighted upon this one – see P2. Any other helpful ones?

$(x_1+\cdots+x_k)^n =$ Top of Page 39 from UNC:
$\sum\limits_{\large{(a_1, …, a_{k – 1}) \; \ni \; 0 \le a_1+…+ a_{k – 1} \le n}}\dbinom{n}{a_1,…,a_{k-1}}\cdot x_1^{a_1} \cdots x_{k-1}^{a_{k-1}}x_k^{\large{n – a_1 – \cdots – a_{k-1}}}$
$= \sum\limits_{\large{a_1+…+a_k = n \; \& \; a_i \ge 0 }}\dbinom{n}{a_1,…,a_k} x_1^{a_1} \cdots x_k^{a_k}$ Bottom of P1 from MSU.

I see that both are the Multinomial Theorem but which one is better?

I thought to try this myself, following the combinatorial proof of the Binomial Theorem. So esteem each term (in green) in $(x_1+\cdots+x_k)^n = \underbrace{\color{green}{[x_1+\cdots+x_k]…[x_1+\cdots+x_k]}}_{\text{n terms}}$ as one box from which to choose $x_1, …, x_k$.
Since each term/box (in green) contains $k$ terms, the total number of terms $ = k^n$.

First, consider $x_1$.
● For $x_1^n$, must have $a_ 1 = n\qquad \& \qquad a_2 = … = a_k = 0$.
● For $x_1^{n – 1}$, must have $a_1 = n – 1 \qquad \& \qquad a_2 \text{ OR } … \text{ OR } a_k = 1$
(the latter due to $a_1+…+a_k = n$ in definition from P1 of MSU)

● For $x_1^{1},$ must have $a_1 = 1 \qquad \& \qquad a_2 \text{ OR } … \text{ OR } a_k = n – 1$
● For $x_1^{0},$ must have $a_1 = 0 \qquad \& \qquad a_2 \text{ OR } … \text{ OR } a_k = n$

The above extends to and must hold for all $x_1, …, x_k$.
How to translate all this into combinatorial notation? How to forge ahead and complete please?

Best Answer

This is one approach: When you expand $(x_1+x_2+....+x_k)^n$ , you will have a collection of terms $c_ix_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}......x_k^{n_k}$ for each "box"/factor $i$ in your green, so that $n_1+n_2+..+n_k=n$.

For a fixed given $k$-tuple $(n_1,..,n_k)$ , the assignment of the $n_1, ..., n_k$ can be chosen in:

$\dbinom {n}{n_1} \times \dbinom {n-n_1}{n_2} \times.....\dbinom{n-n_1-....-n_{k-1}}{n_k}$ ways. The $n_1$ balls can be chosen from the original $n$. After having used up $n_1$ balls, you only have $n-n_1$ balls left, which you can use to choose the $n_2$ balls for $x_2$, etc.. This expansion is precisely the multinomial coefficient: $$\dbinom {n}{n_1,n_2,....,n_k} $$

The above is true only for the given $k$-tuple $(n_1,..,n_k)$. Now, we do the sum over all $k$-ples $(n_1, n_2,....,n_k)$ with $n_1+n_2+...+n_k=n$

The reason why we sum over all $k$-ples is that, when we expand the product :

$$ (x_1+x_2+...+ x_k)^n= \underbrace{(x_1 + x_2+...+x_k) (x_1+x_2...+x_k)....(x_1+x_2+..+x_k)}_{n \text{ times }}$$

, you will ultimately multiply one element $x_{j1}$ from the first copy of $(x_1+x_2+..+x_k)$ with one element $x_{j2}$ in the second copy,... with an $x_{jk}$ from the $k$-th copy of $(x_1+...+x_k)$,
i.e., the product will have one element of each copy of the sum.

Notice some specific cases/examples, for $k=n=3$; I think this will be clearer than a more formal argument:

$(\color{green}{x_1}+x_2+x_3)(x_1+x_2+x_3)(x_1+x_2+x_3)$ : We start with $\color{green}{x_1}$, multiply by some element $x_{j2}$ in the second parenthesis to get $x_1x_{j2}$, and then we multiply this $x_1x_{j2}$ by some element $x_{j3}$ in the third parenthesis (notice that we may have $x_{j2}=x_1, x_2$ or $x_3$). How many different monomials can we have? Well, each monomial will contain 3 terms, possibly repeated, so that the sum of the exponents of $x_1x_{j2}x_{j3}$ will add up to 3, e.g., we will have terms like $x_1x_1x_2=x_1^2x_2$, or $x_1^3$, or $x_1x_2x_3$, etc.

How many monomials of this sort can we have? Well, we can have as many as the number of all the 3-tuples (ie triples) of the exponents, $(n_1, n_2, n_3)$ chosen with ordering and with replacement, for the respective terms $x_1,x_2,x_3$, such that $n_1+n_2+n_3=3$ (because each monomial contains $k = 3$ terms).

Basically, we are summing over all strings $(x_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}...x_k^{n_k})$ , where all the exponents add-up to $n$; this amount of terms is equivalent to the number of solutions of the equation $x_1+ x_2+....+x_k =n$

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