[Math] Combinatorial proof of a Stirling number identity.


Consider the identity
$$\sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^kk!{n \brace k} = (-1)^n$$
where ${n\brace k}$ is a Stirling number of the second kind. This is slightly reminiscent of the binomial identity
$$\sum_{k=0}^n(-1)^k\binom{n}{k} = 0$$
which essentially states that the number of even subsets of a set is equal to the number of odd subsets.

Now there is an easy proof of the binomial identity using symmetric differences to biject between even and odd subsets. I am wondering if there is an analogous combinatorial interpretation for the Stirling numbers. The term $k!{n\brace k}$ counts the number of set partitions of an $n$ element set into $k$ ordered parts. Perhaps there is something relating odd ordered partitions with even ordered partitions?

As an added note, there is a similar identity
$$\sum_{k=1}^n(-1)^k(k-1)!{n\brace k}=0$$
A combinatorial interpretation of this one would also be appreciated.

Best Answer

Perhaps there is something relating odd ordered partitions with even ordered partitions?

There is indeed. Let's try to construct an involution $T_n$, mapping odd ordered partitions of $n$-element set to even and vice versa: if partition has part $\{n\}$, move $n$ into previous part; otherwise move $n$ into new separate part.

Example: $(\{1,2\},\{\mathbf{5}\},\{3,4\})\leftrightarrow(\{1,2,\mathbf{5}\},\{3,4\})$.

This involution is not defined on partitions of the form $(\{n\},\ldots)$, but for these partitions one can use previous involution $T_{n-1}$ and so on.

Example: $(\{5\},\{4\},\{1,2\},\{\mathbf{3}\})\leftrightarrow(\{5\},\{4\},\{1,2,\mathbf{3}\})$.

In the end only partition without pair will be $(\{n\},\{n-1\},\ldots,\{1\})$. So our (recursively defined) involution gives a bijective proof of $\sum_{\text{k is even}}k!{n \brace k}=\sum_{\text{k is odd}}k!{n \brace k}\pm1$ (cf. 1, 2).

Upd. As for the second identity, the involution $T_n$ is already defined on all cyclically ordered partitions, so $\sum_{\text{k is even}}(k-1)!{n \brace k}=\sum_{\text{k is odd}}(k-1)!{n \brace k}$.

P.S. I can't resist adding that $k!{n \brace k}$ is the number of $(n-k)$-dimensional faces of an $n$-dimensional convex polytope, permutohedron (the convex hull of all vectors formed by permuting the coordinates of the vector $(0,1,2,\ldots,n)$). So $\sum(-1)^{n-k}k!{n \brace k}=1$ since it's the Euler characteristic of a convex polytope.

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