[Math] Combinatorial probability of multiple dice rolls


I am trying to come up with a probability for a combinatorial problem that I'm working on and I'm stuck. I've managed to distil it down to a toy dice-roll problem:

What is the probability of any two dice adding up to 7 on a throw of n 6-sided dice?

Or being more general:

What is the probability of any two dice adding up to x+1 on a throw of n x-sided dice?

Note that there could be more than one 2-combination in the n dice that add to 7 – so if n = 3 and x = 6 a roll of 6, 6, 1 would satisfy the criteria.

You can assume that x is an even number, and thus there are n/2 2-combinations that sum to x+1. For example for a 6-sided dice there are 3 (x/2) combinations of 2 dice that will produce a 7: 6 & 1, 5 & 2, 4 & 3. I've tried using binomial and multinomial expressions on the expansion of these combinations but can't get this right. Can someone give me some pointers? Help gratefully received.


Best Answer

The 6-sided dice case can be encoded as a Markov chain on the state space $\{0,1,2,3,\partial\}$ where each state $0\leqslant i\leqslant3$ means that $i$ pairs from the set $\{\{1,6\},\{2,5\},\{3,4\}\}$ have already been visited but none is completed yet, and state $\partial$ means that at least one of these pairs has been completed. For example, after the results 26622 the state of the chain is $2$, after the results 266224246 the state of the chain is $3$, and after the results 2662242465 the state of the chain is $\partial$.

The probability that any two dice add to 7 on a throw of $n$ is $P_0[T\leqslant n]$ where $T$ is the hitting time of $\partial$ and the subscript $0$ refers to the starting point of the chain.

To characterize $P_0[T\leqslant n]$ for every $n$, one usually computes the generating functions $u_i=E_i[s^T]$ for $0\leqslant i\leqslant3$, where $|s|\leqslant1$. Writing down carefully the transition probabilities of the chain, one sees that the Markov property after one step yields the relations $$ u_0=su_1,\quad u_1=s(\tfrac16u_1+\tfrac46u_2+\tfrac16),\quad u_2=s(\tfrac26u_2+\tfrac26u_3+\tfrac26),\quad u_3=s(\tfrac36u_3+\tfrac36). $$ Solving this Cramér system, one gets (something similar to) $$ u_0=\frac{s^2(6+3s+s^2)}{(2-s)(3-s)(6-s)}. $$ Thus, $u_0$ is a rational fraction with respect to $s$, which can be decomposed as $$ u_0=\frac{c_2}{2-s}+\frac{c_3}{3-s}+\frac{c_6}{6-s}+as+b, $$ for some suitable constants $a$, $b$, $c_2$, $c_3$ and $c_6$. Expanding each fraction as a power series in $s$ and collecting all the terms of degree at least $n$ yields, for every $n\geqslant2$, $$ P[T\geqslant n]=\sum_k\frac{c_k}{k-1}\frac1{k^n}, $$ where the sum runs over $k$ in $\{2,3,6\}$.

If one uses some $2z$-sided dice instead, one finds similarly $$ P[T\geqslant n]=\sum_k\frac{c_k}{k-1}\frac1{k^n}, $$ for some suitable constants $c_k$, where the sum runs over $k=2z/\ell$ with $1\leqslant\ell\leqslant z$. In particular, when $n\to\infty$, $$ P[T\geqslant n]\sim\frac{c_2}{2^n}. $$ Going back to the 6-sided case, $c_2=\lim\limits_{s\to2}(2-s)u_0=16$ hence $$ P[T\geqslant n]\sim\frac{16}{2^{n}}. $$