Combinatorial Argument for Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Being Inverse


Consider the following two generating functions:
If we live in function-land, it's clear enough that there is an inverse relationship between these two things. In particular,
If we live in generating-function-land, this identity is really not so obvious. We can figure out that the coefficient of $x^n$ in $e^{\log\left(\frac{1}{1-x}\right)}$ is given as
$$\sum_{a_1+\ldots+a_k=n}\frac{1}{a_1\cdot \cdots \cdot a_k}\cdot \frac{1}{k!}$$
where the sum runs over all ways to write $n$ as an ordered sum of positive integers. Supposedly, for each choice of $n$, this thing sums to $1$. I really don't see why. Is there a combinatorial argument that establishes this?

Best Answer

In your sum, you are distinguishing between the same collection of numbers when it occurs in different orders. So you'll have separate summands for $(a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4)=(3,1,2,1)$, $(2,3,1,1)$, $(1,1,3,2)$ etc.

Given a multiset of $k$ numbers adding to $n$ consisting of $t_1$ instances of $b_1$ up to $t_j$ instances of $b_j$, that contributes $$\frac{k!}{t_1!\cdot\cdots\cdot t_j!}$$ (a multinomial coefficient) summands to the sum, and so an overall contribution of $$\frac{1}{t_1!b_1^{t_1}\cdot\cdots\cdot t_j!b_j^{t_j}}$$ to the sum. But that $1/n!$ times the number of permutations with cycle structure $b_1^{t_1}\cdot\cdots\cdots b_j^{t_j}$. So this identity states that the total number of permutations of $n$ objects is $n!$.