[Math] Combinations & Permutations whole numbers


I would like to know how to figure out the following problem using a combination formula:
-How many ways are there of making a total of 15 using three different whole numbers?

Thank you,


Best Answer

There are useful general techniques that apply to problems like these.

With distinct numbers, to do this fast, we should flip the picture around with the idea of Young diagrams. Three rows of different lengths, totalling 15 boxes is the same as a bunch of columns of lengths 1,2,3 with at least one of each length. Here's an example diagram for 10 (as opposed to 15) from Wikipedia:

Young diagram

Then we can break things down not by smallest number, but by number of threes.

  • Five 3s? No, you need at least one 1 and one 2.
  • Four 3s? 15-4*3=3, which you can only get as 1+2 with 1s and 2s. Thus, 1 possibility.
  • Three 3s? Then we need to make 6 out of 2s and 1s, which can be done with two 2s or one 2: 2 possibilities.
  • Two 3s? We need to make 9, so anywhere from one 2 to four 2s would be fine. So 4 possibilities.
  • One 3? Then we need to make 12 out of 2s and 1s. We could take anywhere from one 2 to five 2s, so 5 possibilities.
  • No 3s? Not allowed; we need at least one of each.

1+2+4+5=12, which is the answer if "whole numbers" means positive integers, as I think it does in this context.

And if "nonnegative integers" was meant, then we also need to include two-row Young diagrams. How can you build 15 out of 2s and 1s alone? You could have anywhere from one 2 to seven 2s, so you get 7 new things, so 12+7=19, as John found.

As an aside, if you weren't restricted to 2-3 minutes, and knew about generating functions, you could take this idea quite far.

If we didn't have the condition that the numbers were distinct, then the problem reduces to stars and bars: If the numbers $a$ $b$ and $c$ have to be positive integers, then $a-1$, $b-1$, and $c-1$ are nonnegative integers that sum to $15-3=12$, so that two bars and twelve stars should do it: ${14}\choose{2}$.

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