[Math] Combinations confusion for coin flips


10 fair coins are tossed. How many outcomes have 3 Heads?
I'm supposed to solve it with combination C(10, 3). But…

How do you know it's a combination that will solve it? I'm not interested in what makes it a combination, instead of a permutation. I know the answer is (some #)/3^10 total outcomes. But what is your thought process that initially makes you think, "I need to use the (n!)/(k!(n-k)!) combination formula on it."? I can easily identify when to use combinations on every combination-required problem I've encountered except for coin tosses.

I've already looked at Ian's problem, but our confusion seems a little different:
Combinations and Permutations in coin tossing

I have no problems understanding any other permutation or combination problems, like the (common?) horse race ordering problem, or picking colored balls out of urns. But something about coin flip combinations just completely baffles me. It might have something to do with the 50/50 heads tails chance.

Best Answer

The $50:50$ odds on each toss means that all distinct outcomes are equally weighted, and so we don't worry about it any further.   Here an outcome is an arrangement of heads and tails in ten coin tosses.   Hence we are counting permutations.

So to count the favoured outcomes, which are arrangements that contain exactly $3$ heads, consider that the task is to select $3$ of $10$ 'places' to put the heads, and put tails in the remainder.   That's $10$ choose $3$ ways: $^{10}\mathrm C_3$.

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