[Math] Collection of half open intervals is an algebra, why


I have to show, why the collection of all finite unions of such half open intervals $(a,b]$ is an algebra and not a sigma algebra. I know that $−∞≤a≤b≤∞$, and have:

(a,b)=\bigcup_{n=1}^∞ \left(\right.a,b−\frac1n\left.\right]
But how can I say from this, that it is an algebra? I will say that it is a sigma-algebra, since the union has the limits to infinity.

Best Answer

The mentioned identity shows that the open interval $(a,b)$ can be written as a countably infinite union of half open intervals $(a,\ b-\frac1n]$.
While, $(a,b)$ cannot be an element of the given set, as any finite union of half open intervals has a maximum element, while the open interval doesn't have.

So, the collection of half open intervals is not closed under countable union, i.e. it is not a $\sigma$-algebra.

This in itself doesn't show that, on the other hand, it is an algebra. But that can be easily verified: the union of two elements (finite unions of half open intervals) and the complement of one can be written as a finite union of half open intervals.