[Math] collection of alternative mathematical notation? (Semi-soft Question)


I'm interested in alternative systems of notation for mathematics. I've often heard how mathematical notation is illogical, inconsistent, filled with grandfather clauses that serve no purpose, and suggests deprecated ideas (e.g .the $\rm{dx}$ of the integral and derivative).

It seems reasonable to suppose someone has tried to come up with some alternative notation.

My interest in this is mostly curiosity. I'm very interested in what people have come up with to rectify the perceived faults. I vaguely remember seeing a link to some alternative notation of logarithms, but I seem to have lost it.

I know that using highly non-standard notation is a bad idea for many reasons. I highly doubt I will use it.

Also, I don't mean good notation or even consistent notation. I'm just interested in something different, preferably a lot of it, and in one place.

I'm labeling this as a soft question, but I'm not really looking for suggestions or discussions for alternative notation. I just want a good source(s).

Best Answer

Here is a somewhat recent Survey of Notation and has some links for others who have tried.

There is even a book A History of Mathematical Notations: Vol. I & II by Florian Cajori on on the matter, but I think people define, invent and use what they want and it has caused lots of headaches for us all!

Lastly, you can also find some samples in this MSE posting Alternative notation for exponents, logs and roots?

This was added from the comment I made above to close this question out per request.

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