[Math] Coin Change Problem with Fixed Coins


Problem: Given $n$ coin denominations, with $c_1<c_2<c_3<\cdots<c_{n}$ being positive integer numbers, and a number $X$, we want to know whether the number $X$ can be changed by $N$ coins.

Note that $N$ is fixed.
There are infinite number coins for each coin denomination.
For a coin denomination, more than one coins would be used to change $X$.

This problem is related to coin change problem, multiple-choice knapsack problem, $0$-$1$ knapsack problem, postage stamp problem, etc. However, it has differences with these problems.

Is this problem NP-complete?

How to solve this problem?

If you have ideas and suggestions, it's pleasure if you can share with me.

Thanks very much!

Best Answer

You've described an NP-complete problem. Indeed, this problem is exactly the subset-sum problem with the extra restriction that the desired subset has size $N$; but if this were not NP-complete then the subset-sum problem would not be either, because it would only take $|C|$ iterations of the "change-problem" algorithm to solve subset-sum (where $C$ is the set of coins). Subset-sum is NP-complete.

Actually, I've ignored that coins must have positive denomination. It remains NP-complete.