[Math] Coefficients of this Taylor series are bounded

complex-analysispower series

Let $f(z)$ be a function that's analytic in the open unit disk, and also in a region containing the closed unit disk with the exception of a few simple poles (i.e. the poles have degree 1) that lie outside the open unit disk. Show that the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of f(z) at 0 (we know its radius is at least the unit disk) are bounded.

I could use help with this. What I've tried: we can multiply $f(z)$ by $(z-c_1)(z-c_2)…$ where $c_1,…$ are the singularities to get an analytic function, and then express the series of $(z-c_1)(z-c_2)…f(z)$ in terms of $f(z)$'s series to get a constraint on the coefficients (since the analytic function's coefficients will go to 0). But this is tedious and the constraint doesn't seem good enough to show boundedness.

Update: Sorry, it looks like I confused a few people (as seen by the hints below). To clarify, $f$ is analytic in the open unit disk. We're not given analyticity in the closed unit disk.

I should also emphasize that the poles are of degree 1 at the most.

This isn't a homework question (just an exercise from a textbook), so feel free to post either hints or whole answers.

Best Answer

The function $f$ can be written as

$$ f(z)=g(z)+\sum_{k=1}^N\frac{a_k}{z-z_k} $$

for some $r>1$ and $|z|<r$. Here $g$ is holomorphic and $|z_k|\geq 1$ for $k\in\{1, \dotsc, N\}$. The boundedness of the coefficients follows directly from this decomposition (note that the radius of convergence of $g$ is at least $r>1$).

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