[Math] Codimension and Krull’s principal ideal theorem


I know that in an UFD, each minimal prime will be principal. So, let $k[x_1,…,x_n]$ be a polynomial ring over a field. Further, set $S =k[x_1,..,x_n]/P$, and suppose that this is an UFD. A subvariety $V(Q)$ of $V(P)$ of codimension one will give that $Q$ is a minimal prime in $S$, and thus principal there. What does this imply for the generators of the subvariety? Must it be defined by one equation, and so why? My thinking so far is that:
Say that $Q$ is minimal in $S$. This corresponds to a prime ideal $R$ of $k[x_1,..,x_n]$ properly containing $P$ and so that there are no principal ideals "in between" them. So, if the zero-set was generated by more, I suppose we should find a contradiction but I'm not sure how to find one. Any ideas, and in general, what's the connection between codimension of something, and how many equations that generate it?

Here's my current thinking. If we have $V(Q) < V(P)$, where $V(Q)$ has codimension 1, we have that $I(V(Q))$ will be prime, and we have that for every element $f$ in $I(V(Q))$ that
$V(Q) < V(f)$, where $V(Q)$ is a component of $V(f)$. But then I'm kinda stuck.

Best Answer

To be honest, I don't really know what you're asking. Here are a couple takes.

For the General Set Up: Let $R$ be a polynomial ring (over an algebraically closed field) and $P\subset Q$ be primes of $R.$ Set $\pi$ to be the projection map from $R$ to $R/P.$


Question 1 If $\pi(Q)$ has height 1 and $R/P$ is a UFD is $Q$ principal?

Answer No. For a counterexample, consider $R = \mathbb{C}[X,Y],$ $P = (X),$ and $Q = (X,Y).$


Question 2 If $\pi(Q)$ has height 1 and $R/P$ is a UFD, $V(Q)$ is given by the vanishing of a single polynomial $p\in R$? [Note that as $ht(\pi(Q)) = 1$ and $R/P$ is a UFD, $\pi(Q)$ is principal.]

Answer No. For this to be true, $Rad(p) = Rad(Q) = Q.$ As no nonzero element of $R = \mathbb{C}[X,Y]$ is both a power of $X$ and a power of $Y,$ considering the same example as given in the answer above yields a counterexample.


Question 3 If $\pi(Q)$ has height 1 is $\pi(Q)$ principal?

Answer This is only guaranteed if $R/P$ is a UFD.

A noetherian ring is factorial iff every prime over a minimal over a principal ideal is itself principal. Hence, any quotient of $R$ which is an integral domain but not a UFD will contain a height $1$ prime which is not principal.

For example consider $R = \mathbb{C}[X,Y]$ and $Q = (X,Y)$ and $P=(Y^2−X^3)$. Then $\pi(Q)$ is not principal.

Geometrically the problem of $\pi(Q)$ not having the "right" number of generators arises from the fact that $(0,0)$ is a singular point on the curve $V(Q).$


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