[Math] Closed, unbounded subset of a cardinal.


I missed two lectures in my set theory course, and now I don't understand the homework problems.

One is this: let $\kappa$ be a regular uncountable cardinal. Show that the following sets are closed and unbounded in $\kappa.$

  • $\{\alpha<\kappa\,:\,\alpha \text{ is a limit ordinal}\},$
  • $\{\alpha<\kappa\,:\,\mathrm{cf}(\alpha)=\omega\}$ for $\kappa=\omega_1,$
  • $\{\lambda<\kappa\,:\,\lambda\text{ is a cardinal}\}$ for $\kappa$ inaccessible.

I don't understand what closed or unbounded subsets of $\kappa$ is. Could you explain this to me and give some pointers on solving the problem?

Best Answer

An unbounded subset of $\kappa$ is some $A\subseteq\kappa$ such that for all $\beta<\kappa$, there is some $\alpha\in A$ such that $\beta<\alpha$.

A closed subset of $\kappa$ is some $A\subseteq\kappa$ such that for all $0<\alpha<\kappa$, if $\sup(A\cap\alpha)=\alpha,$ then $\alpha\in A$.

For the first one, do you know the result that all limit ordinals are of the form $\omega\cdot\alpha$ for some non-zero $\alpha$? In particular, you'll want to show that the limit ordinals less than $\kappa$ are those of the form $\omega\cdot\alpha$ for $0<\alpha<\kappa$. Use continuity of ordinal multiplication to show that this set is closed, and the fact that $\kappa$ is a cardinal to show that it's unbounded.

The second one is just a special case of the first one. (Why?)

The third one won't be too tricky. Do you know the recursive definition of the alephs? (Also, don't forget that the natural numbers are cardinals, too.)

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