Algebraic Geometry – Understanding Closed Points on Varieties


I consider a variety over a field $k$, i.e. an integral separated scheme $X$ of finite type over $k$.

One knows by the Nullstellensatz that any closed point on $X$ is a $\bar k-$ rational point (where $\bar k$ denotes the algebraic closure of $k$)as its residue field is finite over $k$.

I know wonder what one can say about the relation between the closedness of a point and its residue field. E.g. it wont hold that any $\bar k-$rational point is closed, but can one say something similar? Or how can one characterize the closed points?

And does the situation change if one assumes the variety furthermore as complete over $k$?

Best Answer

The closed points of a finite type $k$-scheme are precisely the points with residue extension $k(x)/k$ algebraic (equivalently finite). The residue field of a closed point is a domain that is finitely generated as a $k$-algebra, also a field, hence a finite extension of $k$ by (a form of) the Nullstellensatz. For the other implication, assume $X=\mathrm{Spec}(A)$ with $A$ a finitely generated $k$-algebra. If $\mathfrak{p}\in X$ is such that $k(\mathfrak{p})/k$ is algebraic, then $k(\mathfrak{p})$ is integral over the domain $A/\mathfrak{p}$ which is therefore a field, i.e., $\mathfrak{p}$ is maximal.

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