[Math] Closed nowhere dense positive measure subset of $[0,1]$ without isolated points


I'm trying to prove that there exists a subset $F$ of $[0,1]$ such that:

  1. $F$ is closed

  2. $F$ is nowhere dense

  3. $F$ has a positive Lebesgue measure

  4. $F$ contains no isolated points.

I know that Cantor fat sets could be used but I'd like to see a different approach.

I was thinking about using the construction that was described in this thread:
link (I mean the construction based on enumerating rationals in $[0,1]$).

Such construction leads to a set which clearly satisfies the first three conditions, but I'm having trouble with the isolated points.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Let $F$ be any set satisfying conditions 1-3. Enumerate all open balls (or your favourite countable basis of open sets) in the interval as $(B_n)_n$, and put $\mathcal U:=\{B_n\mid B_n\cap F\textrm { is countable}\}$, and let $F':=F\setminus \bigcup \mathcal U$ (this is called the perfect (or Cantor-Bendixson) kernel of $F$). Check that $F'$ satisfies your conditions (note that $\bigcup \mathcal U\cap F$ is a countable open subset of $F$).

This is a special case of a general theorem called the Cantor-Bendixson theorem: any closed subset of a Polish (i.e. separable completely metrisable) space can be written as a disjoint union of a perfect set (i.e. closed, without isolated points) and a countable set.