[Math] Classify the singularities of the function


$$f(z)=\frac{z^3+1}{z^2(z+1)} $$

has singularities $z=0, z=-1$ right?

How can I determine the type of singularity of this points?


1.)Removable pole (Then $f(z_0)$ is bounded, $f(z)$ has a limit if $z \to \infty$

2.) Pole of order $m \implies |f(z)|\to \infty $ as $z \to z_0$

3.) Essential singularity : not bounded, does not go to infinity.

(Another way to descibre is to look at the coefficients of the Laurent Series.

Best Answer

A function $f$ which is holomorphic for all $z$ near $z_0 \in \mathbb{C}$ (with $z \neq z_0$) has a pole of order $m>0$ at $z=z_0$ if and only if

$$ \lim_{z \to z_0} (z-z_0)^m f(z) $$

is finite and nonzero. If $f$ has a singularity at $z=z_0$ and

$$ \lim_{z \to z_0} f(z) $$

is finite and nonzero then the singularity is removable, and vice versa.

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