Dynamical Systems – Classification of Mandelbrot Set Points

complex-dynamicsdynamical systemsfractals

I am trying to understand the classification of points in the Mandelbrot set. There are an infinite number of baby Mandelbrots, each associated with a defined set of landing rays.
There are the pre periodic Misiurewicz branching points, which also have landing rays. What are the rest of the points in the Mandelbrot set called? Are they called chaotic? Also, is this set of remaining uncountably infinite? What is known about landing rays for these remaining points?

Best Answer

boundary points of Mandelbrot set ( c-points ) :

  1. Siegel points

  2. parabolic points = root points of hyperbolic components = biaccesible points ( landing points of 2 rays )

  3. Misiurewicz points

  4. Chaotic points

  5. Cremer points

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