[Math] Classical tensor analysis and Tensors on Manifolds


I learned tensors the bad way (Cartesian first, then curvilinear coordinate systems assuming a Euclidean background) and realize that I am in very bad shape trying to (finally) learn tensors on manifolds.

In particular, I am struggling to understand which properties of "classical" tensor algebra / analysis carry over into tensors on manifolds. By "classical" I mean the the one that assumes a background 3D Euclidean space and allows general curvilinear coordinate systems in it.

1) For instance, I have seen equations of the following sort in physics-type books
\mathbf{v} = v^i \mathbf{e_i} = v_i \mathbf{e^{*i}}
The argument is that if a non-degenerate metric tensor exists, it also has an inverse, i.e.
g^{ij} \equiv g_{ij}^{-1} \text{ and } g_{ij} g^{jk} \equiv \delta_i^k\\
v^i \equiv g^{ij} v_j
and thus $v_j$ are the "covariant" components of the vector $\mathbf{v}$.

My question is: Can the equation
\mathbf{v} = v^i \mathbf{e_i} = v_i \mathbf{e^{*i}}
be made meaningful for tensors (at each point) on a manifold by proceeding in a similar way? I suspect yes but I am not sure.

One could introduce a (0,2) metric tensor on the manifold. But is its "inverse" automatically a (2,0) tensor as in the "classical" case? Also, which metric? I understand they are not unique?

3) Is there some good resource (a book perhaps) which clearly helps one to transition to tensors on manifolds?

Thank you.

Best Answer

1), 2): yes. On Manifolds you can introduce a metric, which makes the manifold a Riemmannian manifold (assuming the metric is positive definite). A metric, by definition, is a (0,2) tensor field which defines a scalar product on the tangent bundle, i.e. the metric in a point $p$ is a scalar product on the tangent space at $p$. This, in local coordinates, has a representation which is usually denoted $(g_{ij})$ and corresponds to what you called the metric tensor.

If the metric is positiv definite, this matrix representation is invertible and as you wrote, the inverse is usually denoted $(g^{ij})$. The raising and lowering of indices (making contravariant tensors covariant and vice versa) works the same way you wrote it down. This is nothing but the fact that on a Euclidean vector space $E$ there is a natural isomorphism between the vector space and it's dual, induced by the metric (i.e. if $v$ is a vector, $w\mapsto \langle v, w \rangle$ is a linear map on $E$ and each linear map arises that way).

As for 3), most books on Riemannian geometry should do the job. Which one suits you best depends on you. A very comprehensive description of these things is to be found in Spivaks treatise 'A comprehensive introduction to Differential Geometry' ;-)