[Math] classical solutions of PDE with mixed boundary conditions

partial differential equationsreference-request

Nowadays people usually consider PDEs in weak formulations only, so I have a hard time finding statements about the existence of classical solutions of the Poisson equation with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions.

Maybe someone here can help me and point to a book or article where I can find sufficient conditions on the right hand side that guarantee the existence of a $C^2$ solution.

Note that the unique solvability in $H^1(\Omega)$ follows, e.g., from the paper on discrete maximum principles by Karatson and Korotov in Numer. Math. 99 (2005), 669-698. So (a slightly more precise version of) my question boils down to finding conditions such that this solution is actually C^2 in the interior and continuous differentiable at the boundary.

Best Answer

I believe the papers by Gary Lieberman will answer your question: one is Mixed boundary value problem for elliptic and parabolic differential equations of second order. Another one is Optimal holder regularity for mixed boundary value problems. Thanks