Discrete Mathematics – Classic Handshake Problem

discrete mathematics

I am asked the following question:

My wife and I were invited to a party attended by four other
husband-wife couples, making a total of ten people. As people arrived,
there was some hand shaking. No one shook their own hand, and there
were no husband-wife hand shakes. When it was over, I asked each
person "How many people did you shake hands with?" I asked nine people
(not including myself) and got nine different answers. How many people
did my wife shake hands with?

Since there are 10 people in the room should I use the formula n(n-1)2, which results in 10(10-1)/2=45 which would be the sum of all the handshakes. If I divide that by ten I would get 4.5 people shook his wife's hand.

This doesn't seem correct at all. What is the right direction to head in order to solve this question?


I ended up trying to solve by pairing everyone together and drawing a graph showing the relations between everyone:enter image description here

But this wasn't complete apparently.

Best Answer

Hint: No person shook more than eight hands, so you must have gotten answers from 0 to 8 inclusive. Who is married to the person who shook 8?

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