Algebraic Number Theory – Class Group of Q(?-35)


As an exercise I am trying to compute the class group of $\mathbb Q(\sqrt{-35})$.

We have $-35\equiv 1$ mod $4$, so the Minkowski bound is $\frac{4}{\pi}\frac12 \sqrt{35}<\frac23\cdot 6=4$. So we only need to look at the prime numbers $2$ and $3$.

$-35\equiv 5$ mod $8$, so $2$ is inert. Also, $-35\equiv 1$ mod $3$, so $3$ splits, i.e. $(3)=Q\overline Q$ with $Q=(3,1+\sqrt{-35})$, $\overline Q=(3,1-\sqrt{-35})$. The ideals $Q,\overline Q$ are not principal, because there are no solutions to $x^2+35y^2=12$, i.e. no elements of norm 3.

Now we know that there are at most $3$ elements (or do we?), namely $(1),Q,\overline Q$. Mathematica tells me that the class number is $2$, so $Q$ and $\overline Q$ must be in the same equivalence class and $Q^2$ has to be a principal ideal. But how can I show this?

Best Answer

Let $\alpha=\frac{1+\sqrt{-35}}{2}$, then in fact, $(3)=Q\overline{Q}=(3,\alpha)(3,\alpha+2)$. In the class group then, $[Q]+[\overline{Q}]=[\mathcal{O}_K]$, so $[Q]$ and $[\overline{Q}]$ are inverses. So the class group is generated by $Q$, and we just need to show that $Q^2$ is principal.

The minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ is $f(x)=x^2-x+9$, and recall that $f(\beta)=\text{Nm}(\beta-\alpha)$. In particular, $f(0)=9=3^2$. The element $(\alpha)$ is sent to $0$ under the evaluation $\alpha\mapsto 0$, corresponding to the ideal $Q$, so $(\alpha)=Q^2$, and the order of $[Q]$ divides $2$. You've already shown that $Q$ can't be principal, so we're done.