[Math] clarification errata in Munkres Topology


While reading the second edition of Munkres' Topology, I came across this (page 129):

Theorem 21.1 Let $f: X \rightarrow Y$; let $X$ and $Y$ be metrizable with metrics $d_X$ and $d_Y$, respectively. Then continuity of $f$ is equivalent to the requirement that given $x \in X$ and given $\epsilon > 0$, there exists $\delta > 0$ such that $d_X(x,y) \implies d_Y(f(x), f(y)) < \epsilon$.

Shouldn't the last part be $d_X(x,y) < \delta \implies d_Y(f(x), f(y)) < \epsilon$ ?
I've looked at the errata here but didn't find mention of this. am i missing something? Thanks for any help/clarification. 🙂

Best Answer

To have an answer: Yes, you are right, there's a $\lt \delta$ missing here.

In my seventh printing of the second edition of Munkres's book, this typo is fixed:

Theorem 21.1. $\ \ $ Let $f:X\to Y$; let $X$ and $Y$ be metrizable with metrics $d_X$ and $d_Y$, respectively. Then continuity of $f$ is equivalent to the requirement that given $x\in X$ and given $\epsilon>0$, there exists $\delta>0$ such that $$d_X(x,y)<\delta\implies d_Y(f(x),f(y))<\epsilon.$$