[Math] Circular pizza sharing


Pizza strategy game

Two friends A, B want to share a (circular) pizza, by playing a game.

A does a (straight line) cut
B also does a cut
A does another cut and
B does the last cut.

Now they alternate turns picking one slice at a time until last, starting from A.

Does B have a strategy (at least) not to eat less pizza?

I think the key is to make equal pieces, i.e. splitting the pizza in pairs of pieces of equal area.

Best Answer

Yes, $B\;$can achieve equality.

Assume the players are not allowed to make no cut (i.e., pass), but are allowed to make a cut which coincides with a previous cut.

After $A$'s first cut, let $B\;$make a cut, $l\;$say, along the perpendicular bisector of $A$'s cut.

Thereafter, for every cut that $A\;$makes, let $B\;$make a cut symmetrical about $l\;$to $A's$ cut (i.e., the same cut as $A$ except reflected about the line $l$). Note: It might coincide with $A$'s cut.

It follows that every final piece appears with even multiplicity, up to congruence, so in the worst case, as $A\;$chooses pieces, $B$'s next choice can at least match.