[Math] Circular Permutations. Difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise permutations.


Please tell me the total number of permutations possible of the beads in a necklace where all the beads are distinct. The necklace consists of n distinct beads.

Necklace picture having 4 distinct beads

Answer as per me: the answer is $(n-1)!\:$, as the clockwise and anti-clockwise arrangements are different.

Answer given in various online courses: The clockwise arrangement of the necklace shown is B1-B2-B3-B4. Since the necklace can be flipped, the total permutations = (n-1)!/2. Reason: After flipping the necklace, the anti-clockwise arrangement is the same again i.e. B1-B2-B3-B4.
The link to these online courses are:

1) https://www.askiitians.com/iit-jee-algebra/permutations-and-combinations/circular-permutations.aspx

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BoAwmUlfqs>

The 2nd link is a video lecture in the language of Hindi. Start this video from 13:05 minutes, so as to avoid the unnecessary things.

Can you tell me which one is correct with an appropriate explanation.

Best Answer

It's only when one allows the necklace to be flipped over that division by 2 is needed. If one keeps the necklace say on a table and only rotates it (no fair picking necklace up in space) it's the $(n-1)!$ answer.