Circle Intersection in 3D Coordinate Systems – Geometry

3dcoordinate systemsgeometryintersection-theorymathematical modeling

good day. Actually I'm stuck with this problem

I want to get the 2 points (vertex coordinates) in a 3d circle circle intersection
circle circle intersection

actually I know a lot of data,

Circle 1 center  c1c = (-0.23103,-0.12451,1.78538)
Circle 2 center  c2c = (0.56227,1.38846, 2.82537)

Circle 1 radius*  c1r = 2
Circle 2 radius*  c2r = 2

Circle 1 point  c1p** = (-1.40115, -0.58086, 3.34184)
Circle 2 point  c2p** = (1.87197,   2.8998,  2.82537)

Circles plane normal***  Cn = (-0.7073, 0.6130, -0.3520)

*in this case both circles have the same radius, but this can change in other problems.

** Both additional points, each by his circle, are given randomly.

**** I calc the Circles plane normal Cn using the fourth points that I have (c1c, c2c, c1p,c2p).

Actually I'm trying to apply the math from "Intersection of two circles" but that is only for 2D and I need for 3D; and for more that tried to calculate the Z axis not achieved.

Paul Bourke intersection of two circles

two years a go I ask some similar question that I solve using some advices and this triangle idea: Z coordinates of 3rd point (vertex) of a right triangle given all data in 3D , but today I don't have any data of new point, BUT I have the normal.

I get two posibble solutions:

the first one may be is all that I need, BUT mathematics is beyond me pitifully.
The second one is conected with a software called Geometric Tools Engine and I can't get the math or the logic behind that solution.

can you help me with a clear and specific solution?, understanding that I am not a mathematician

thank you.

Best Answer

Define two unit vectors $v$ and $w$ as follows: $$ v={C_{2C}-C_{1C}\over|C_{2C}-C_{1C}|}, \quad w=C_n\times v. $$ You already know how to compute $a$ and $h$, so intersection points are given by: $$ C_{1C}+av\pm hw. $$

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