[Math] Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of a matrix

cholesky decompositioninversematricesmatrix decompositionnumerical linear algebra

I have the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix $M$. However, I need the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the matrix, $M^{-1}$. Is there a fast way to do this, without first computing $M^{-1}$? In other words, is there a relationship between the Cholesky decompositions of a matrix and of its inverse?

My matrix is a covariance matrix and, hence, positive-definite.

Best Answer

If $L^T L = R$ is the available Cholesky decomposition, then inverting both sides of the equation you get,

$$L^{-1}(L^{T})^{-1} = R^{-1} $$

And since transposition and inverse are interchangeable:

$$L^{-1}(L^{-1})^{T} = R^{-1} $$

So if you define $P = (L^{-1})^T$ this is your desired answer. In other words,
