[Math] Chicken Problem from Terry Tao’s blog (system of Diophantine equations)

diophantine equationselementary-number-theorypuzzle

This problem was posted by Terry Tao in his blog earlier. It's actually from his son's Math Circle. It took him $15$ minutes to solve it. I guess we all can take a crack at it.

Three farmers were selling chickens at the local market. One farmer had $10$ chickens to sell, another had $16$ chickens to sell, and the last had $26$ chickens to sell. In order not to compete with each other, they agreed to all sell their chickens at the same price. But by lunchtime, they decided that sales were not going so well, and they all decided to lower their prices to the same lower price point. By the end of the day, they had sold all their chickens. It turned out that they all collected the same amount of money, $\$35$, from the day's chicken sales. What was the price of the chickens before lunchtime and after lunchtime?

Best Answer

If $u>v>w$ are the number of chickens that the three farmers sold at the higher price, then, by linearity*, $(26-16)(u-v) = (16-10)(v-w)$, and so $u-v$ is divisible by $3$, and $v-w$ is divisible by $5$. It follows that $(u,v,w) \in \{(8,5,0),(9,6,1), (10,7,2)\}$.

Only the middle solution gives prices that can be measured in USD (or most currencies), namely $\$3.75$ and $\$1.25$.

* To elaborate on this point: If a farmer begins with $n$ chickens, sells $f(n)$ at the higher price point $A$ and $n-f(n)$ at the lower price point $B$, and earns a profit $P$, then the points $(n,f(n))$ are collinear (assuming that $A,B,P$ are constant).

This is because these points are the solutions to a linear equation in two variables, namely $Af(n) + B(n-f(n)) = P$. A line has constant slope, so the equation in my first paragraph follows.

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