[Math] Chern Classes of a Trivial Bundle


Could someone explain to me why the chern classes of a trivial bundle are zero?
(I'm studying it from Bott & Tu book) To be more specific I can't understand why, given the vector bundle $E$ on $M$, it must be $C_1(S^*_E)^n=0$. $S^∗_E$ is the dual of the tautological subbundle of the pullback of $E$ on $P(E)$.

Best Answer

This is a trivial consequence of the naturality (or functoriality) of the Chern classes, which should be clear no matter which definition of the Chern classes you are using.

Fix a space $X$. Let $P$ be a one-point space, and let $E \rightarrow P$ be the trivial $n$-dimensional complex vector bundle. There is a unique map $f : X \rightarrow P$, and it is easy to see that the trivial $n$-dimensional complex vector bundle over $X$ is exactly the pullback $f^{\ast}(E) \rightarrow X$. All the Chern classes of $E \rightarrow P$ have to be trivial since the cohomology groups of $P$ are trivial. Thus by the naturality of Chern classes we have $$c_i(f^{\ast}(E)) = f^{\ast}(c_i(E)) = 0.$$

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