[Math] checking if some vectors span $R^3$ that actualy span $R^3$

linear algebravector-spaces

If we want to check if the following set of vector span $R^3$ (1,0,0) (0,1,-1) (0,4,-3) (0,2,0) then we forme an augmented matrix formed by the vectors which form the columns of the augmented matrix and add and extra vector u=$(u_1,u_2,u_3)$.

Solving this augmented matrix give me the following solution


Therefore we got many solutions to the augmented matrix ,and that is expected given we got more unknows than equations.

However what does this mean for the span?

I know that this actually span $R^3$ but how do i conclued that?

Edit: forming an equation to see that if every vector from $R^3$ can be written as a combination of the of vector above give the following equation

$c_1(1,0,0)+c_2(0,1,-1)+c_3(0,4,-3)+c_4(0,2,0)= (u_1,u_2,u_3)$

Making the left side as an unique vector ,and then relating the components of each side then forme a coefficient matrix of it and then do following type $\boldsymbol Ac=u$.

The augmented matix is the following matix


Now solving this matrix to reduce row-echelon give the result above i add also here


Getting to this point i know.so what implication does it have on the span,how do we imply that the set of vectors span$R^3$?

Best Answer

What you would do is to take the determinant of a $3\times 3$ matrix whose columns are the vectors that you conjecture to be independent (thus they span $\mathbb R^3$). Notice that since you have $4$ of these vectors you select three. The procedure is to take the determinant. If it is different from $0$ then the $3$ vectors you selected are independent and they span $\mathbb R^3$. If the $\det$ is $0$ select other $3$ vectors... If all of the combinations of vectors that form a $3\times 3$ matrix have determinant $0$, then the vectors are dependent and they don't span $\mathbb R^3$. If any of these matrices formed by putting $3$ vectors as its columns has determinant different from $0$, then the other vector can be written as a combination of the three independent vectors you've found.

For instance:


Therefore the first three vectors you mentioned are independent and span $\mathbb R^3$.

Moreover, we know that if there are constants $k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4$, at least one of them different from $0$, such that for every $c_1,c_2,c_3,c_4\in\mathbb R$ (these come from the vector solution $\mathbf c$) we have that (if we name the columns $C_1,C_2,C_3,C_4$) $k_1C_1+k_2C_2+k_3C_3+k_4C_4=\boldsymbol0$, then the columns are dependent.

So let's assume that the columns are dependent and we will try to reach a contradiction. If $k_1\neq 0$ the contradiction is trivial since the first column of your matrix is $\left[\begin{array}{c}1\\0\\0\end{array}\right]\Longrightarrow k_1c_1\left[\begin{array}{c}1\\0\\0\end{array}\right]+\boldsymbol \xi\neq \left[\begin{array}{c}0\\0\\0\end{array}\right]\text{for some } c_1\in\mathbb R.$ The same happens if we select $k_4\neq0$. So the thing turns interesting when $k_1,k_4=0$. Then we are left with the two columns of the middle. Of course if additionally $k_2=0$ or $k_3=0$ then the contradiction is trivial as well. But if $k_2,k_3\neq 0$, then we have the system: \begin{align} c_2+4c_3=u_2, && -c_2-3c_3=u_3. \end{align} $\text{That yields } c_3=u_2+u_3.$ Therefore $c_3$ does not depend on $c_2$ and it is impossible that $k_2(c_2+4c_3)+k_3(-c_2-3c_3)=0,\,\forall c_2,c_3\in\mathbb R$.