[Math] Checkerboard coloring problem


Consider a $n\times n$ checkerboard. Each cell can be colored white or black. $n$ is even. How many configurations are there so that each row and each column have an odd number of white cells?

Best Answer

Fill the $(n-1)\times(n-1)$ board arbitrary with the black and white.now you should just set the parity with the last row and column. the last cell($a_{n,n}$) will be same color for both last row and last column because of the parity of the $n-1$ first row is equal to parity of the $n-1$ first column and that is because your board is $n\times n$ and $n\equiv n \bmod{2}$ and if rows parity differ from column parity it is contradiction.

Finally the total answer is $2^{(n-1)\times (n-1)} $.

Update I asked generalized version of this question before.