[Math] Check whether or not a triangular number is triangular is the square-sum of two other consecutive triangular numbers

binomial-coefficientsnumber theory

I'm trying to write a program that would tell me whether or not a triangular number, a number of the form $\frac{(n)(n+1)}{2}$ is the sum of the squares of two other consecutive triangular numbers. It is guaranteed that the given $n$ is triangular. On oeis.org it gives a formula two calculate the nth number which satisfies the above, but no where can I find how to check whether or not a number satisfies the above.

I know this may not be the right place to post this, but I wanted a more mathematical answer to this.

Best Answer

$$8\frac{n(n+1)}2+1=\left(2n+1\right)^2.$$ Check if $8m+1$ is a perfect square. (By taking its square root.)


The question is about numbers that are the sum of two consecutive triangular numbers, i.e. which are of the form


By the above criterion, $$8m+1=(2n^2+1)^2$$ must be a perfect square and its square root $r$ must be such that $\dfrac{r-1}2$ is a perfect square.

In other words,

$$\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{8m+1}-1}2}\in\mathbb N.$$