[Math] Check the workings: Prove the limit $\lim\limits_{x\to -2} (3x^2+4x-2)=2 $ using the $\epsilon,\delta$ definition.


Prove the limit $\lim\limits_{x\to -2} (3x^2+4x-2)=2 $ using the $\epsilon,\delta$ definition.


My goal is to show that for all $\epsilon >0$, there exist a $\delta > 0$, such that
$$0<|x+2|<\delta\ \ \text{implies}\ |3x^2+4x-2-2|<\epsilon$$



$\leq3|x+2|^2+4|x+2|$ by triangle inequality


Hence, it is sufficient to show that $3\delta^2+4\delta=\epsilon$


For all $\epsilon>0$, choose $\delta=\min\left(\sqrt{\dfrac{\epsilon}{6}},\dfrac{\epsilon}{8}\right)$

$$\begin{align*}0<|x+2|<\delta\ \ \to\ \ &|3x^2+4x-2-2|<3\delta^2+4\delta\\&<3\left(\sqrt{\frac{\epsilon}{6}}\right)^2+4\delta\\&=\frac{\epsilon}{2}+4\delta\\&<\frac{\epsilon}{2}+4\frac{\epsilon}{8}\\&=\frac{\epsilon}{2}+\frac{\epsilon}{2}\\&=\epsilon\end{align*}$$

Therefore proven? Hehe. Not sure this will work or not.
My doubts lies in the steps.

Hence, it is sufficient to show that $3\delta^2+4\delta=\epsilon$

choose $\delta=\min\left(\sqrt{\dfrac{\epsilon}{6}},\dfrac{\epsilon}{8}\right)$

And hey, I am looking out for other possible ways to do this question too.

Best Answer

You made a mistake here:


It should be $\,8\,$ instead $\,4\,$ in the RHS. All the rest you did is fine, fixing this little mistake.

I show you now how'd I do it:


$$|x+2|\,|3x-2|\stackrel{\text{for}\,|x+2|<0.5\Longrightarrow |3x-2|<10}<10|x+2|$$

Thus, we're fine if

$$10|x+2|<\epsilon\Longrightarrow |x+2|<\frac{\epsilon}{10}$$

Thus we can choose

$$\delta =\min\left(\frac{\epsilon}{10}\,,\,\frac{1}{24}\right)$$

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