Measure Theory – Characterization of Almost-Everywhere Convergence


Given a $\sigma$-finite measure $\mu$ on a set $X$ is it possible to formulate a topology on the space of functions $f:X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that gives convergence $\mu$-almost everywhere?

I can't seem to find any way to write this and am suspecting that no such topology exists! Is this true? If so, is there some generalisation of a topological space where one can make sense of convergence without having open sets?

Any comments, references or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Given I understand you correctly (topologize almost everywhere convergence), we can show that this is not possible. If we have a topological space, then we have convergence of a sequence if and only if every subsequence has a further convergent subsequence and so on.

So pick a sequence that converges in measure but not almost everywhere. There is a theorem that states that every subsequence of this also converges in the same measure. So it has a subsequence that converges almost everywhere (by another theorem). But the original sequence does not converge almost everywhere so we cannot have convergence in a topology.

Should I add more detail?